01 Nov TeXstep
TeXstep – A new Commission Due to Happen : 16th & 17th Nov 2013.
Taking the trajectory of social dancing from memories of Brighton’s Regents Music Hall to todays Oceana super-club, and beyond, TeXstep asks what would it be like if we didn’t have to be physically there? ..if we could out-source all the noisy, sweaty awkward, drink & drug fuelled bit and have someone do that for us.
Taking inspiration from a comment made by a former regular of the Regent Dancehall in the 1950’s, Ken Ross, and Slovoj Zizek’s thoughts on the trajectory of Capitalism, the installation explores the nature of intimacy, touch, dance and bodily contact.
Former Regent Dance Hall member, Ken Ross said: “I pity the boys now, as when they so called ‘dance’ (unlike us) they do not hold a girl in their arms. If in my days you.. ask her to dance in a dance www.cheapambienpriceonline.com hall ..hey presto you were up close and often in bodily contact.”
However for me (Thor) the aim is not to judge, but instead to offer an alternate social dance scenario for us to explore. – One that slips times and spaces mixing memories with descriptions and predictions, and even live direct instructions. The results will be varied, funny, weird, detached and engaging, but the experience all the richer for having a go.. Come and enjoy the private suite.
Featuring Performance by:
TeXstep Instructor Hosts: Matt Rudkin & Chrissie Grech
TeXstep’n Perfomers: Flick Ferdinando — Janine Fletcher — Holly France — Merry Colchester — Joe Mulcrone
TeXstep Hostess’s: Rebecca .. & Ellie Warner
MORE info & images to follow:
TeXstep is part of a wider project called: ‘Our Dancing Feet’, produced by Zap Arts & In Roads Productions. More info to Follow but for now link: http://ourdancingfeet.carbonmade.com/